Artemiss, 236ml

  • 190 kr
Lagersaldo: 1

100% Natural Expellant for Bacterial Diseases

Provides a chemical-free treatment effective against bacterial diseases including:

  • Bacterial dropsy
  • Bulging eyes
  • Fungus
  • Ulcers
  • Milky skin
  • Mouth rot
  • Fin/tail rot
  • Raised scales

MICROBE-LIFT/Artemiss is a unique, herbal, immune-enhancing stimulant, which reduces bacterial and fungal infections.

  • Will help boost the natural immune system of the fish with no risk  of building up future resistance as can occur when antibiotics are used.
  • Will help to drive pathogenic bacteria off the fish, and, without a host, ultimately the bacteria will die.
  • Stimulates and accelerates regeneration of damaged tissue until no trace of the wound remains.